
Skateparktour Partners with Canada Skateboard to List ALL Canadian Skateparks!

Skateparktour.ca is excited to announce a brand new partnership with Canada Skateboard!! We will work together to include ALL Canadian skateparks on Skateparktour.ca!  Canada Skateboard and Skateparktour realize how useful a complete skatepark directory will be and are working together to make it happen!

This partnership will be good for everyone who uses Canadian skateparks, not only skateboarders.  If you skate, BMX, scooter, inline skate, roller skate, or unicycle you can use Skateparktour.ca to find skateparks, and you can submit skateparks to be added. The more skateparks on the list, the more we all benefit.

Whiterock BC Skatepark

We need EVERYONE who uses skateparks to tell us about skateparks missing from Skateparktour.ca!  We want EVERY skatepark, large, small, indoor or outdoor. Use our easy to complete form to submit a skatepark. You can submit as many parks as you can visit, there is no limit!

To help get the wheels rolling about this project, Canada Skateboard is offering prizes for contributions made before August 31st! Every valid skatepark submission gives you a chance to win one of three prizes. You could win a Canada Skateboard coffee book, a Canada Skateboard deck or a Canada Skateboard Hydroflask.

So, let the skatepark blizzard begin! If your skatepark is not already on skateparktour.ca, submit it today!!!

Contributing To My Skatepark Community

July 25, 2020, Skateparktour.ca

When we belong to a community we show it in what we do and the choices we make. Last weekend I went to Innisfail to shoot video footage for a Localz Skatepark Tour Video. Before the shoot, I was telling some young local BMXers about skateparktour.ca and the video I was there to shoot when one of the group slipped into the bowl to retrieve a broom and pop can dangerously littering the bottom of the bowl.  A few minutes later after the conversation, another in their group noticed that a lot of dirt and some leaves had accumulated at the base of a bank. He picked up the broom and swept the slippery and skateboard/scooter wheel stopping debris safely out of the park.

In neither case were the stoked-to-ride young BMX’ers asked, reminded, suggested, or told to clean up the park. These 9 and 10-year-old kids just saw something that needed doing and took care of it. That’s one thing that contributing members of a community do. See something that needs doing that they can do, they do it safely, and they ask no reward for it. Every skatepark needs lots of community members like these guys!

My Town Needs A New Skatepark!

Here is the skatepark that the local skater referred to

I was at a small town skatepark recently, taking virtual tour photos. A  local skater, probably 14 or 15 years old came by for a session just as I finished taking photos. I gave him a sticker and told him what my photos were for. I also let him know about Skateparktour.ca because not everyone knows about it yet!

He commented that his town needs a new skatepark because the current one has no bowl. He’s right, the current park in his town is very limited. It has no elevated components to gain speed. It also lacks a variety of features such as stairs, up/down rails, hubbas, gaps banks, or transition features.

I responded that “it was time to start working on getting a new park”, and wished him a good session while I loaded gear in the car. It hit me as I drove away that what I said was not very helpful or motivational. I wished that I had made these 4 points with him:

Most skateparks exist because some people worked hard advocating for it, and persisted for years in some cases

Some skatepark efforts took years of advocacy, fundraising, and planning to get amazing skateparks built. Some examples include:

Lots Of Skateparks exist because of advocacy by young people – Go ahead, become an advocate in your town!

Here are three examples of skateparks built with youth getting the wheels rolling, there are many more

  • Delburne Skatepark

    Legacy Skatepark, Langdon AB Langdon youth got huge support from their local FCSS.  They helped the young people organize and approach the Council and the provincial government for funding.

  • Delburne Skatepark Delburne AB When Delburne skaters spoke up about the need for a skatepark their school got behind them, then the Delburne Village Council, local businesses, and members of the community supported the project as well.  Delburne now has a skatepark that is the envy of many much larger towns!
  • Lacombe Skatepark, Lacombe AB  Similar to Langdon, one of the first supporters when youth spoke up was the local FCSS. A skatepark committee made up of youth and adults who supported the skatepark process as passionately as the youth raised they money and got a very fun skatepark built in Lacombe..

Find allies, others who want a new skatepark too, including:

  • Other youth, including skaters, BMX’ers, scooter riders. Taxpayer money will pay for most of the skatepark cost so everyone will get to use the skatepark and every user group would help make it happen!
  • A youth-focused organization that may be able to support your cause, for example, the Boys & Girls Club, FCSS, teachers, or your school
  • Supporters on your local council and local business people

You are not on your own, there are resources you can access!


Let’s see a new skatepark, or an addition, in this town and yours, soon!