Localz Skatepark Tour Video Series
Local riders giving a tour of their local skatepark
Here are some other Localz videos but remember, new episodes don’t have to follow the same format. If you have a different idea, let’s hear it!
Welcome, Localz!
Thanks for checking out the Localz Skatepark tour project page! This is a special project were some Localz tell the rest of us about their skatepark. What are the best features of the park, their favourite lines, and any tips that the Localz have learned from experience riding their skatepark.
Of course, the video can’t be all talk and no action, so we shoot some footage and put the interview and the riding together in an edit which gest added to that skatepark’s page on skateparktour.ca. Skateparks are places to have fun and being part of a Localz Skatepark Tour video is no exception. In about 2 or 2 1/2 hours, most of it rising that park, we have all that we need
Profile of a Localz Skatepark Tour Video
So, what characteristics define a Localz Skatepark Tour video? This video series can be described as:
Family Friendly
Groms, moms, dads, and grandparents visit our site and channel so all Localz videos have to be family-friendly in language and content.
Localz videos are about having fun riding the skatepark and inviting everyone to come for a session. Visitors are welcomed, there is no “Locals only” vibe here.

At the opening of Red Deer’s Glendale Skatepark, 2013
Skateparks are for everyone, and so are Localz Skatepark Tour videos. People of all ages, genders, gender identities, ethnicities, religious and spiritual traditions, and riding preferences will feel included in this video series.
Skateparks exist as places to have fun. This video series will show riders having fun, will be fun to shoot, and be fun to watch.
Building Community
Localz videos will contribute to the building of communities relate to the skatepark including:
- Local community – the town or city where the park is located
- Skatepark community – all users of your skatepark
- Skate, scooter, BMX, or other specific activity communities
How Can My Skatepark Get A Localz Video?
If Skateparktour.ca is coming to your town all that is needed to shoot a Localz video at your park is:
A pre-arranged time to shoot video, when the park is not too busy
- Some volunteers to ride the park; that can skate. BMX, scooter, inline, MTB, or WCMX. All are welcome!
- 1 or more “spokespeople” to do the “interview” which can be
- A traditional interview with spokespeople on camera talking
- Voice only, no head and shoulder shot
- There can be one person,2 people, or a number of people. Whatever you want.
- Nice and orderly, or even chaotic – as long as we have fun and get good local insight into your skatepark.
If this sounds good, ccontact Skateparktour.ca from the form on this page and we’ll work out the details!
Can I make my own Localz Video appear on Skateparktour.ca?
Why yes you can! If you like to film and make edits you can make your own Localz video and have it embedded in the page for your skatepark. As long as what you make fits the profile, we’d love to showcase your Localz video. After all, travel isn’t cheap so we can’t make it to every skatepark every year.
If I make my own edit, can it still be added to a specific skatepark page?
Yes for sure! Just like it always has been, if you make an edit that shows a skatepark’s best features being well used, and the edit is suitable for someone’sMom to watch it, skateparktour.ca will embed it on a skatepark page. Send a message with the YouTube or Vimeo URL and we’ll take a look!
Is A Release Required?
Everybody who rides talks or intentionally appears in the video must sign a video release giving permission to show your face, voice, and riding. If you are under 18 then a parent or legal guardian must also sign the release which can be obtained here (PDF).
Download Release form