The new homepage on a mobile phone, showing the interactive map!
After a long planning process and hours of transferring skatepark information from the old site, the new Skateparktour.ca is live for all to see an use! There is still almost 100 skateparks yet to be transferred, but they will come in the next few weeks. It is time for a new look and improved functionality!
The first two generations of skateparktour.ca was developed using WYSIWYG editors, Adobe Go LIve then Dreamweaver. About 6 years ago the site move to the Joomla CMS, which brought a new level of technical sophistication to skateparktour, but with the growth in the use of mobile devices, it was time for the Joomla site to be replaced.
This brings us to the end of March 2018 and the unveiling of the new WordPress version of skateparktour.ca! The site uses Divi, a responsive theme that adjusts the way skateparktour is displayed depending on the device bring used to view it. The most important design features include:
- The use of facets to narrow the search for skateparks based on your criteria
- the ability to search using an interactive map or a list
- Responsive display of the virtual tours and photo tours. No more extending beyond the device!
- Readable text
- More easily read and utilized menus for site navigation

Screen shot of the old site on a mobile phone.
All of these features mean skateparktour.ca will be a more effective tool to find skateparks near where you live and where you are traveling. More features are planned, and we’re open to your suggestions and feedback, so don’t hesitate to contact skateparktour.ca!
Now if the snow would just go away, we can all get into our skateparks and have a great time in 2018!